Tibetan Public Cautionary/Advisory
Ms.Namgyal Tsekey resigns from Office
On dated 28th February, 2018 Ms. Namgyal Tsekey la the senior Counsel for the Tibetan Legal Association has tendered her resignation from the office and the Board of Tibetan Legal Association with her own personal reasons. She was one of the pioneer members who was there from the actual establishment of Tibetan Legal Association in… Read More »
TJC director visits TLA office
TLA Bangalore chapter visits office
Since Tibetan Legal Association(TLA) formed in 2013, TLA has done so many free legal services to both Tibetans and Indians, to have free legal aids by tibetan law fraternities is one of the important aims of TLA, since tibetans are allocated in different states of India, its hard to have a eagle view of legal… Read More »